Oklahoma Twister

I heard on the news about a tornado that had formed in Oklahoma killing 9 children and taking the lives of many others. It didn’t just their lives it also took their homes and schools. The tornado was son big at one point that its level was classified as a EF5 tornado. What really made me happy for them was the donations that they had received from a lot of other places and people. The whole OKC Thunder team had donated $1 million to the city. Kevin Durant himself had donated $1 million personally to the city.

Source: CNN

If you know a lot about the DC Universe then you should know about a very valuable character named Hawkgirl. Hawkgirl is not very famous now but she did play an important role  in the DC Universe. She was involved with Wonder Woman and

Drag Racing

Today I am going to talk about a certain type of racing. It is called drag racing. Drag racing is a whole different style of racing. You are going as fast as you can to win the race and it is in a straight line. The race is about 1/2 to 1 mile long but it isn’t easy. Your major concern is the grip on your car because that is basically what’s going to give you your speed and allow you to shoot off the line. I am not a big fan of drag racing but if you really want to test the speed of your car then this is the best way to do it in my opinion.


Our feelings play a major role in everyone’s personality. I’s sure you know that everyone has more than one feeling. There’s anger, sadness, confusion, ect. To me the most important feeling is love because it is so powerful and endless. Love is something that everyone needs in their life because in my opinion you can’t really move on without it. Then there’s the worst feeling of them all. To me the worst feeling that you could have is anger because it causes you to do and say really harsh things. Anger can change someone completely and I know because I have an anger problem. When I get the feeling of anger in my body I need to hit something to let it out, but now my mom walks with me when ever I get mad because she still gets mad too and I get it from her. When she gets mad she breaks things and throws things. Last time she had got mad she had completely destroyed the dinning room by flipping the table and doing ect. Feelings are a major use in our life, but the best thing about them is that we control them.

Professional: Archived Work

Ethnography Project

Today I am choosing to do a blog about my project that I had completely aced for my composition10 class. It was an ethnography on certain areas on Philadelphia and we had to do in home and in school observations. Incase you didn’t know an ethnography is an observation of an area, the people in the area, and the tone of the area. My essay was so good that a reporter for WHYY news came and interviewed me and my teacher personally. How do you think I did on this project? Comment below and scale it from 1-10.(1=very bad 10=Excellent)

Injustice Gods Among Us

injustice-gods-among-us-09-1A new video game came out 2 weeks ago and it is already a hit. The game is called Injustice and a lot of people have it already. I t was created by NeatherRealm. NeatherRealm are the creators of all of the mortal kombat games but appearently they are taking on a new project. Injustice is about the DC Universe characters clashing with evil and constant fighting between all of the characters. It is extreme and it definatly should be bought.

Current Events: Boston Bombing Update

I saw on CNN that the 18 year old who was involved in the Boston bombing is now in custody at a U.S Marines base. He has not yet been interrogated yet because of his conditions, but they think that he had shot himself in the neck to prevent himself from talking. In Boston the people seem to be concerned about their safety and the security has been raised not just in Boston, but all over the country.

Current Event: Boston Bombing Update

This morning I heard on the radio that the 19 year old boy who had bombed Boston with his brother is now out of the hospital but he is far from being trusted. He was moved to a U.S Marines military base to a infirmary. He is now in the hands of the Marines and to tell you the truth I feel sorry and scared for him because it’s the Marines. They will make him suffer and cry for his daddy. He will be at their mercy.

Professional: Navy

When I think of my future, most of the time I see myself in the Navy for about a year. I see myself in the Navy because I really want to push and challenge myself. I also want to make some people in my family proud especially my aunt because she was in the Navy for some time of her life at a young age. She was really the person who is inspiring me to go to the Navy because I want to be like her a little when I get older.